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“Our maintenance man is amazing! He is not only prompt to requests, but his experience and know-how is incredible. He always has a smile and takes the time to explain the reason why any maintenance problem occurred.”
“Management has really worked with me on everything I have needed to do, and it is just phenomenal. Management here is great.”
“Living here is wonderful. We are able to go out into the community and be active without worrying about our safety or our homes.”
“I love the whole community; it is wonderful. I was always independent, but now I feel free. I can come and go, and I do not have to worry.”
“The best things about living at Myrtle Terraces, for me, are the activities, the companionship and the socializing. We have a theatre, a craft room, a library, a computer room and a beauty shop. It is just wonderful.”
“I love the community garden. I have always grown plants and flowers. To me, that is what makes it seem more like home, being able do to the things I enjoy so much.”
“I love it here because it feels like home. It is a beautiful community. It is peaceful, quiet and graceful.”
“This is a beautiful place to walk. There are wide sidewalks and you are always safe. That is one of the great things about living here: the safety.”
“Living here has improved my quality of life because I laugh and joke more here. We sit around and talk together everyday.”
“Our community being pet-friendly was definitely an incentive to move here. We have a dog, Boss, and we would not leave him. We were really excited to be able to bring him along with us because he is part of our family too.”
“When you pull in, you do not think that this neighborhood is for low income families. Being able to move my kids from a not so great area to here, where we have three bedrooms and can afford it, is amazing.”
“Having a pet here is welcomed and my neighbors love to stop by and visit with us. I plan on being here for a while. I love it.”
“Every corner you turn there is someone there to greet you. It is like one big family here. I love it.”