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Organization Tips: Get a Head Start on Spring Cleaning

Winter is almost over, which means it is time for the annual cleanup and clear out. Whether you look forward to this or dread it, we are here to help with all the spring-cleaning tips.

Make an intentional list.

Before starting, map out exactly what tasks you are hoping to tackle this season. One of the worst things you can do is throw yourself into a cleaning frenzy without a plan and get overwhelmed or burnt out. By creating an intentional list, you will be able to get the most important things taken care of this season.

Start with a clean space.

It may sound simple, but when you begin spring cleaning, you want to jump into the actual deep cleaning of closets and cabinets, not the tidying of your space. It is often best to start with an overall clean house so that you can really focus on the details of what you want to accomplish. Make sure your dishes are done, beds are made and clothes are put away so you can really get to work.

Tackle it room by room.

One of the best feelings is crossing things off of a checklist. Breaking your list down room by room is an efficient way to satisfy that desire to knock out cleaning one item at a time. This is also a great way to avoid getting overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning your entire home; one room at a time breaks it up into small, easy steps.

Do not attempt to do it all in one day.

Another big cleaning mistake is spending an entire weekend trying to finish all your spring cleaning. Yes, it is nice to get it over with, but who really wants to spend an entire weekend stuck inside cleaning? Typically, it is best to spread it out over time and tackle spaces while they are not in use, like cleaning kid spaces while they are gone or the kitchen when no one needs to cook.

Research local charities for donation opportunities.

Decluttering and getting rid of things that no longer fit in your life is the best part of spring cleaning. Try to make use of any items you no longer need (and reduce waste) by donating as much as you can. Putting together a list of places accepting donations and their schedules is a great way to make sure you have a plan for where everything is going.

The best way to get a head start on spring cleaning is to just start thinking about it. Preparing for spring cleaning can be easy and it will make the process go a lot smoother. Good luck cleaning!

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